Saturday, January 14, 2012

What's the plan?

As graduation approaches I’m constantly asked the dreaded question, “what are you going to do after you graduate? What do you plan to do with your degree in classical music? WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO WITH YOUR LIFE?! Do you even know?”
Alright. Most people don’t ask it in such a dramatic way. But, you get my point. Ha.

I’ve dreaded this question because I do not have a seemingly legitimate answer. It isn’t very satisfying to say “well, I don’t want to go to grad school. I don’t plan on being a piano teacher or doing anything in particular with classical piano. I think I’ll keep working at Anthropologie and hopefully get another job or two, and maybe I’ll write some songs while I’m at it.” That answer doesn’t seem to satisfy anyone. In all honesty, I’ve recently felt pretty aimless and dream-less and I don’t have an answer. It seems like many of my dearest friends have these giant visions for their lives. They have a passion for something very specific and tangible, and they have a goal that they’re working towards. And for many this means grad school or moving far far FAR away.

Then there’s little me. All I really know is I like people. I love talking to people and helping/encouraging them in random ways. I also love music. Basically, I want to spend my life building relationships. WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?! Everyone does that in some capacity I think that for me it means that I’m going to spend some time waiting. Waiting until I feel like I have a clearer vision, a clearer dream for my future.

However, I’m a bit of a planner. You could say that I like things to be in order, tidy, and thought out. Just ask my roommates ;) So, feeling like I’m almost in limbo, waiting around without a goal to work towards is not very comforting. BUT, amidst this seemingly confusing time there is one thing I’m sure of. I’m sure that my God loves to provide for me. He knows that I like to have a plan. He created me that way! SO, he has started bringing me random and serendipitous opportunities. He has started to present me with job offers for post graduation that are more than I could’ve asked for, and I wasn’t even looking! He has given me a sense of peace and ease about graduating by providing me with a (probable) full time job, and now I sort of have an answer for the post-graduation question! I feel like he’s saying “Alright my darling, I know you like to know what’s coming next, but I’m not going to show you the whole plan yet. But, here’s a little taste. Calm down little one! It’s going to be awesome. Be patient. Trust me. Hold tight.”

“Be still and rest in the Lord; wait for Him and patiently lean yourself upon Him”.
Psalm 37:7

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